Wednesday, 22 September 2010


My idea of photo jornalisim is that in the early 90s Henri Cartier- Bresson who was a french photographer although he consider himself as a painter, he was the first photographer to use a lecia camera. The lecia camera was invented in 1925 in Germany, it was quiet and compact so therefore it took pictures quietly, snapping them in the moment (istant photography). Henri Cartier- Bresson ws a surrealist meaning behind the pictures he took there was a meaning to each of them. He would wait till he was ready to snap the picure in the moment he thought was correct. One of his most famous pictures which was taking in paris in 1933, which was called the unknown. It was an image of a man jumping over a puddle ( decisive moment).Decisive moments are when an image is taken unprepared in the moment that if you were going to take the picture a second before the picture would mean nothing compared to what it would be the second after. He was the person who made the decisive moment popular

Robet Cappa was sent to World War 2, he worked for Life Magazine. In the war he worked as a photo journalist, he took pictures which told a story of the war. His pictures seemed to bring us closer and closer to war given us a clear picture of each moment in the war through his eyes. He Caught a personal image a soildier being shot, this image was taken in high risk as bullets were being shot out everywhere. Although this image may just look like a soldier being shot but if he was to take this picture a second before this image would not be capable as the solider would be dead

The techniques of Henri cartier- besson was usually finding a spot and waiting for something or someone to pop up like is famous image 'behind the gare St.lazare.
By using the lecia camera he was able to capture the moment by using any other camera he would not be able to do this.
fotohomenagua.jpg henri cartier bresson image drikaty


Portraiture photography is often used to emphasize the likeness of a personality and even the mood of the photography. A portraiture photo is usually not a snapshot, but creates an image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking straight at the camera. Most of the photography try to capture an expression that was not shown  on the camera. Unlike in the 60's when the rich wants there expression to be shown on the camera therefore they would put on a look the expresses their wealth instead of a look natural.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Intro to photography

I woud like to be able to gain more experince in fashion photography and gain more skills.Whether im taking pictures of family,  friends, public areas i would like to gain more experince on taking different style of pictures

 Robert Cappa