Wednesday, 24 November 2010

shutter speed

Call sheet

Title of shoot: Solitude

Name of student: Mary-Anne Gascoyne

Date of shoot:30/10/10

Time of shoot: 3pm

Location details/directions

Three bridges Angela house

Talent: Diana Garcia,  Angela Kavanagh  Sam Kavanagh

Description of location: (Please explain what the picture is about)
My picture is about a natural fashion look. There will be 3 girls in the images 2 in one a 2 alone
they will be showing different looks and emotions

Lighting, Daylight or Artificial light
My lighting will mostly be the natural sunlight or moon light but if i am taking pics in the dark i will use candles and other sources of lights

Additional information about how the photo will be shot: Filters, Tripod, Fast slow shutter speed etc

I will be using mostly a tripod with my pictures and a few without.

Equipment needed

Task 1.6

• What is Royalty-free license by Wikipedia

• What is Rights Managed license by Wikipedia

• About Copyright by Wikipedia

• About Moral rights by Wikipedia

• Introduction to Rights & Licensing by Pro-Imaging

• Organiser’s Guide to the Bill of Rights by Pro-Imaging



Treatment photography
Treatment Photography

1. Type of production and brief details on Subject/Concept:
My foucs will be on solitude imagery, i want to get a few images on how a person is in a crowd but yet there alone(all the focus will be on them). The images will be taken in different locations but i want to capture the green and natural looks of an area.

2. Facilities: What facilities do you need for this project list all including software and hardware for the whole project
I will need a fewpeople to help me with the knowledge of photoshop a tripod some lights

3. Finance: If you produced this project outside of the college you need to show how much would it cost to hire the equipment that you intend to use.

Tripod- £69.99

4. Contributors: Who do you need to help this for you project? This includes talent and crew.
I will need a few friends who study fashion which will help as the will know the look i am going for .

5. Codes of practice and regulation: What regulations to you need to be aware of. Think about college policy as well as regulatory bodies that you looked at in assignment 2, Worksheet 1.6 Regulation and Safety notes
i would get written permission from anyone who is under the age of 16, i would also get permission from the council so i hav permisson to take picyures in the public area

6. Presentation: How will you present the pictures? Will you include a soundtrack, think about copy write issues etc.
I would use songs from from itunes ..or iwould write to tne people whose songs i am using .If i did take a song from a cd i would be stealing.